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Creating a DotNetNuke® Module Using CodeSmith Tools - Page 4 (Page 3)

Configure CodeSmith

In the CodeSmith Explorer, locate the DnnMaster.cst file and right-click on it and select Execute.

When the Template window opens up, click the button that is on the MultiSourceTable property line.

The Table Picker window will open.

Click the button to configure a new Data Source.


Click Add

The Data Source window will open
  1. For Name enter DNN
  2. Select SqlSchemaProvider for Provider
  3. Enter the Connection String. For example if using SQL Server express you can use:

Data Source=.\SQLExpress;Integrated Security=True;AttachDBFilename=

Note that C:\Inetpub\DotNetNuke441\App_Data\ is pointing to the SQL Server Express file on the hard drive. Your path will probably be different

If you have problems with SQL Server express locking see: DNN / SQLExpress / SQL Server Management Studio

When done click OK


Click Close


In the Table Picker window, select the Data Source you configured  from the Data Source drop-down, click on dbo.YourCompany_Guestbook and click Select 

click the button that is on the OutputDirectory property line.

Select the root of your DotNetNuke website in the Browse For Folder window


You can also change any other parameters. See the post by Lee for more information.

Click the button to generate the templates

Close CodeSmith because when using Microsoft SQL Server Express, CodeSmith can lock the database and you will will not be able to open it with DotNetNuke.




Next: Configure the Module


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(C) by Michael Washington - -

DotNetNuke® is a registered trademark of Perpetual Motion Interactive Systems Inc.