Los Angeles, CA *

Creating a DotNetNuke® Module Using CodeSmith Tools - Page 5 (Page 4)

Configure the Module




Return to Visual Studio and right-click on the root of the site in the Solution Explorer and select Refresh Folder


The files created by the templates will now appear in the App_Code folder and the DesktopModules folder

Locate the file:


 located in the directory:


Double-click on it


It will open up in the main window. Select all the text and copy it. You will paste this text into the SQL window in DotNetNuke in a later step.


From the toolbar, select Debug then Start Without Debugging

You may get an error that DotNetNuke could not connect to the database, because when using Microsoft SQL Server Express CodeSmith can lock the database.

To resolve this, close CodeSmith, then close the web browser that was opened by Start Without Debugging

Then from the toolbar, select Debug then Start Without Debugging again




Log in as the Host account


From the Host menu, select Module Definitions

From the Module Definitions menu, select Create New Module
From the drop-down located at the top of the module definition, select YourCompany_guestbook.dnn and click the Install link

This creates the settings needed to display the module and it's controls.


From the Host menu, select SQL


Paste the SQL text you copied in the earlier step, select the Run as Script box and click the Execute link.


In the upper left hand corner of the website, under the PAGE FUNCTIONS menu click ADD.



  • Enter "GuestBook" for PAGE NAME
  • Enter "GuestBook" for PAGE TITLE
  • Enter "GuestBook" for DESCRIPTION
  • Click the VIEW PAGE box next to ALL USERS

Then click UPDATE


From the MODULE drop-down select YourCompany_GuestBook


Then click ADD


The module will now appear

The tutorial is complete.


About the Author:

Michael Washington

Michael Washington is a Website developer and an ASP.NET, C#, and Visual Basic programmer. He has extensive knowledge in process improvement, billing systems, and credit card transaction processing. He is a DotNetNuke Core member and has been involved with DotNetNuke for nearly 3 years. He is the author of numerous DotNetNuke modules and tutorials. He is one of the founding members of the Southern California DotNetNuke Users group ( He has a son, Zachary and resides in Los Angeles with his wife Valerie.

I am sorry but due to the volume of email I am unable to provide personal responses. You can obtain help using the DotNetNuke documentation and the DotNetNuke Forums  




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(C) by Michael Washington - -

DotNetNuke® is a registered trademark of Perpetual Motion Interactive Systems Inc.